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USDA Risk Management Agency Map Viewer

Associated Agencies

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA)

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA), created in 1996, serves America’s agricultural producers through effective, market-based risk management tools to strengthen the economic stability of agricultural producers and rural communities. RMA is committed to increasing the availability and effectiveness of Federal crop insurance as a risk management tool.

The Map Viewer shows insurance program availability for the selected livestock program and year.

How to

How to use the Map Viewer:

  • Use the drop-down menus to create a map
  • Data can be saved by selecting the “Export to Excel” button (located below the drop-down menus) and PDF maps can be saved by selecting the “Print Setup” (at the bottom-left of the map viewer)

Map Viewer Tabs:

  • The SCO/STAX tab shows users if the SCO/STAX program is available for their commodity, irrigation practice, state, and county combinations.
  • The APH Yield Exclusion tab shows users where the program is available and how many years of yield is excluded by irrigation practice, state, and county.
  • The Commodity Programs tab informs users of the County Commodity Programs’ availability by year, commodity (crop), state, county, and insurance plan.
  • The Livestock Programs tab informs users of the availability of the Livestock Gross Margin and Livestock Risk Protection insurance plans by year, commodity, and state.
  • The Dates Programs tab informs users of the RMA insurance program date choices for sales closing, planting, reporting, and filing dates, per commodity, insurance plan, type, and practice.


USDA Risk Management Agency: Homepage of USDA Risk Management Agency which includes news; bulletins and handbooks; crop and livestock policies; information about the Federal Crop Insurance Corp; quick links and more.

USDA Risk Management Agency Map Viewer: view Risk Management Agency data within an interactive map. 
