Enhancing Drought Early Warning Capabilities for Agricultural and Tribal Stakeholders in the Missouri River Basin Using Fast Response Drought Indicators

This project aimed to enhance drought early warning capabilities for farmers and ranchers in the Missouri River Basin using fast response drought indicators and gaining a better understanding of their monitoring and forecasting needs.
Though the project focused on farmers and ranchers in the Missouri River Basin, the analysis and visualization techniques developed during the project will be applicable to the entire U.S. Improved understanding of the social and physical impacts of drought will support drought mitigation efforts by scientists from university, federal, and non-profit organizations.
This project was part of the FY 2016 Coping with Drought research competition, which focused on advancing specific NIDIS regional Drought Early Warning Systems (DEWS), targeting specific communities and sectors within these areas. The four targeted regions and their associated focus areas included the Missouri River Basin (agricultural and/or water supply focus); Midwest along the Mississippi River (transportation, agricultural, and/or water supply focus); Colorado River Basin (water supply, recreation, tourism, and/or energy focus); and California (water, agricultural, and/or wildfire focus).
For more information, please contact Britt Parker (britt.parker@noaa.gov).
Research Snapshot
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- "Investigating the Relationship between the Evaporative Stress Index and Land Surface Conditions in the Contiguous United States." Journal of Hydrometeorology, July 2020.
- "Drought Early Warning and the Timing of Range Managers’ Drought Response." Advances in Meteorology, October 2019.