Second Joint Workshop on Texas Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO)

Goals and Objectives:
This workshop—jointly hosted by the Texas Water Development Board, University of Texas at Arlington, and the National Integrated Drought Information System—is a follow-up to the 2019 joint Texas-Oklahoma Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) workshop. It is intended to serve as a platform for reservoir operators, forecasters from the National Weather Service, scientists from NOAA and regional institutions, and program managers from federal agencies to review lessons from FIRO adoption nationwide and in Texas, as well as to determine pathways for adoption of National Weather Service ensemble weather, climate, and hydrologic forecasts in reservoir operations.
The workshop will center around lessons from applying FIRO in the states of California and New York, and those derived from the Texas FIRO pilot initiative led by UT Arlington. It will include breakout sessions to allow cross-disciplinary discussions on identifying FIRO use cases in the state of Texas, determining gaps and requirements for addressing these gaps, and formulating plans to facilitate the research-to-operation/operation-to-research process.
Virtual and In-Person at the University of Texas at Arlington
Nedderman Hall, Rady Room (6th floor)
Arlington, TX
Workshop Agenda:
For more information, please contact Yu Zhang ( or Nelun Fernando (