Upper Missouri River Basin Drought and Human Health Workshop

The Upper Missouri River Basin Drought and Human Health Workshop was held on April 12–13, 2022 at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. The workshop focused on regional drought-related human health impacts, helping to identify gaps and needs, collaborative opportunities, and ways to integrate the health sector into existing drought activities. The geographic focus of this workshop in the Upper Missouri River Basin included Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
Meeting goals:
- Provide participants with a better understanding of the health impacts of drought in the Upper Missouri River Basin.
- Engage participants across academic, healthcare, public health, and other sectors to encourage cross-sector collaboration.
- Showcase best practices on how to reduce health impacts from increasing drought conditions.
- Discuss strategies for addressing and minimizing the health impacts of drought.
The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) co-hosted this workshop with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, along with a number of Upper Missouri River Basin partner organizations. The audience for this workshop was state and local public health departments, climate scientists, emergency managers, tribal communities, and healthcare providers.
The workshop took place over two days:
- Day 1: Tuesday, April 12, 1:00–4:30 p.m. MT
- Day 2: Wednesday, April 13, 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MT
For more information, please contact Britt Parker (britt.parker@noaa.gov).
Agenda: View Agenda
Presentations: View Workshop Presentations