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National Flash Drought Workshop

May 2
May 2, 2023 - May 4, 2023
Boulder, CO
A field of wheat in Kansas, representing the agricultural impacts of flash drought. Photo credit: Ricardo Reitmeyer, Shutterstock.

The National Flash Drought Workshop, held on May 2–4, brought together the flash drought research community and practitioners (i.e., those responding to/planning for flash drought at the local, state, and regional levels). The overarching goals of this workshop were to build stronger connections and coordination among researchers and practitioners; discuss the state of the science, resources, and tools related to flash drought; and identify outstanding research and information needs since the 2020 virtual workshop.

Where: Boulder, Colorado

When: May 2–4, 2023

Who: This workshop was open to all, and was particularly relevant to those entities that engage in the following activities:

  • Monitoring drought conditions
  • Engaging in drought mitigation and water planning 
  • Utilizing drought information in decision making 
  • Providing information on drought conditions and impacts
  • Conducting research related to flash drought
  • Sharing drought information through communication and outreach.

More Information: Read the Workshop Report, or view the Event Website and Agenda.

Recorded Workshop Presentations

View all recordings from the 2nd National Flash Drought Workshop, or watch specific presentations below.

Day 1: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Session Recording/PresentationsPresenter(s)
Welcome & IntroductionsSylvia Reeves, NOAA/NIDIS, CIRES/CU Boulder
Progress Since the 2020 Virtual WorkshopMarina Skumanich, NOAA/NIDIS
Session 1: State of the Science (Full Session Recording)Session Moderator: Dan McEvoy
Framing Flash Drought and MonitoringJason Otkin, University of Wisconsin Madison
Flash Drought Prediction and PredictabilityHailan Wang, NOAA Climate Prediction Center; Andy Hoell, NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Flash Drought ImpactsAmanda Cravens, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
Incorporating Flash Drought into Planning, Policy, and Decision MakingMark Svoboda, National Drought Mitigation Center
Projections of Flash Drought in a Warming Climate Across the United StatesJordan Christian, University of Oklahoma
Session 2: Practitioner Perspective (Full Session Recording)Session Moderator: Pam Knox, University of Georgia Extension
Practitioner Presentations & Panel Discussion


  • Beckie Maddox, Senior Environmental Specialist - Constellation Nuclear
  • Klaus Albertin, Water Supply Planning Engineer - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources
  • Viki Zoltay, Hydrologist - Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Water Resources
  • Miranda Meehan, Extension Disaster Education Coordinator and Livestock Environmental Specialist - North Dakota State University Extension
  • Sumit Sharma, Extension Specialist for High Plains Irrigation and Water Management - Oklahoma State University Extension
Session 3: Flash Drought Tools Cafe and Poster Session 
View a summary of flash drought prediction and monitoring tools, including those covered in the Tools Cafe. 


Day 2: Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Session Recording/PresentationsPresenter(s)
Morning Coffee Panel Chat


  • Pam Knox, Agricultural Climatologist - University of Georgia Extension
  • Dannele Peck, Director - Northern Plains Climate Hub
  • Art DaGaetano, Professor - Cornell University and Director - Northeast Regional Climate Center
  • Trent Ford, Illinois State Climatologist - University of Illinois/ Illinois State Water Survey

Moderator: Sylvia Reeves, NOAA/NIDIS, CIRES/CU Boulder

Session 4: Case Studies of Flash Drought (Full Session Recording)Session Moderator: Carson MacPherson-Krutsky, Boise State and University of Colorado
Massachusetts – On a Path to Better Drought PreparednessVandana Rao, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
Flash Drought in South Carolina: Overcoming Barriers through Investments in Relationships, Collaboration, and CommunicationElliot Wickham, South Carolina State Climatology Office
2021 Drought in the Pacific Northwest: A Different FlavorKarin Bumbaco, WA State Climatologist
2017–2018 Flash Drought Event in Argentina: Characteristics, Impacts and Lessons LearnedPablo Spennemann, Servicio Meteorologico Nacional-CONICET, Argentina
Session 5: Break Out Group Sessions (Full Session Recording)Session Moderators: Meredith Muth and Joel Lisonbee, NOAA/NIDIS
Regional Case Study: Flash Drought Science to Action at the Regional LevelLee Ellenberg, University of Alabama Huntsville and Meredith Muth, NOAA/NIDIS
Introduction to Break Out GroupsMeredith Muth, NOAA/NIDIS
Breakout 1 Report Out: Flash Drought in a Regional ContextJoel Lisonbee, NOAA/NIDIS, CIRES/CU Boulder
Introduction to Breakout 2: Table-Top Exercise by RegionMeredith Muth, NOAA/NIDIS


Day 3: Thursday, May 4, 2023
Session Recording/PresentationsPresenter(s)
Welcome Back and Overview of Day 3Sylvia Reeves, NOAA/NIDIS, CIRES/CU Boulder
Session 6: Emerging Flash Drought Science (Full Session Recording)Session Moderator: Ronald Leeper, Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS)
A Framework for Flash Drought Development and ProgressionJeff Basara, University of Oklahoma
Subseasonal Flash Drought Prediction Skill in the Contiguous United StatesKyle Lesinger, Auburn University
Assessing the Performance of Sub-Seasonal Solar-Induced Fluorescence Trajectory as an Early Warning System for Flash Droughts in the U.S. Regions and EcosystemsKoushan Mohammadi, University of Connecticut
Using the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Madden Julian Oscillation Modes of Variability to Predict Rapid Drought ChangeEmma Scott, North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies
Table Brainstorm and Group Discussion 
Session 7: Reflection + Forward ThinkingSession Moderators: NOAA/NIDIS Team
Synthesizing and Addressing Outstanding NeedsNOAA/NIDIS Team
Forward ThinkingSylvia Reeves and Meredith Muth, NOAA/NIDIS
Workshop AdjournsSylvia Reeves, NOAA/NIDIS, CIRES/CU Boulder


For programmatic questions, please contact Sylvia Reeves.

The National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) would like to thank the following partners for their help in planning this workshop: Auburn University, Colorado State University, Desert Research Institute, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Montana State University, Natural Hazards Center, National Drought Mitigation Center, NOAA, Northeast Regional Climate Center, Oregon State University, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Texas Water Development Board, University of Colorado-Boulder, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, University of Oklahoma, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Wisconsin, and USDA.