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Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate Pre-Workshop Webinar

Feb 10
February 10, 2023
11:00 am - 2:30 pm
Drought has cascading impacts on agriculture, wildfires, water supply, and more. Current methods for assessing drought conditions are not adequately considering drought in the context of climate change.

The objective of this webinar was to provide initial context and scientific background for understanding drought assessment challenges in the face of climate change, including the current state of the science and common terms (e.g. drought assessment, aridification vs. drought), and an understanding of what’s at stake when drought assessment does not keep pace with a rapidly changing climate.

This webinar was a precursor to the Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate Technical Workshop, which will be held on February 28–March 1, 2023.

View Webinar Presentations

Webinar Agenda and Presentations
Time (MST)Agenda Item (and Video Recording Link)Speaker(s)
11:00 amWelcome and Introduction and the Pathway to the Technical WorkshopBritt Parker – NOAA National Integrated Drought Information System/CU Boulder, CIRES
11:10 amDefining Terms & Contextualizing the Problem: Why Are We Here?Dennis Todey – USDA Midwest Climate Hub
11:20 amThe United States Drought Monitor Process: A Data User's PerspectiveBrian Fuchs – National Drought Mitigation Center
11:30 amWhat Does the U.S. Drought Monitor Trigger?Brad Rippey – USDA
11:35 amQ&AFacilitator: Holly Prendeville – USDA Northwest Climate Hub
11:40 amChanges in Precipitation & Precipitation VariabilityTrent Ford – University of Illinois/Illinois State Climate Office
11:55 amWhy Does Non-Stationarity Matter for Drought Indices?Zach Hoylman & Kyle Bocinsky – University of Montana/Montana Climate Office
12:05 pmQ&AFacilitator: Joel Lisonbee – NOAA NIDIS/CU Boulder, CIRES
12:15 pmObserved and Projected Changes in Climate: A Northeasterner's ViewArt Degaetano – Northeast Regional Climate Center
12:25 pmDrought Assessment in a Non-Stationary Climate: Perspectives Based on the Southwest and Central U.S.Andy Hoell – NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
12:35 pmQ&AFacilitator: Dennis Todey – USDA Midwest Climate Hub
12:45 pmBreak 
1:00 pmBeyond the Rain: Non-Stationarity in the Demand Side of DroughtMike Hobbins – NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory/CU Boulder, CIRES
1:10 pmApproaches to Address Non-Stationarity in Drought Indicators and Key Takeaways from the Literature ReviewJoel Lisonbee – NOAA NIDIS/CU Boulder, CIRES
1:25 pmQ&AFacilitator: Elizabeth Ossowski, NOAA NIDIS/CU Boulder, CIRES
1:45–2:15 pm

Series of Presentations from Management Agencies

How are decision makers employing current drought assessments? Where are the gaps in knowledge that your organization/agency has identified? Why is a non-stationary climate consequential for decision making? Has your organization/agency already changed drought assessment in the face of non-stationarity and, if so, how?

1:45 pmSouthern Nevada Water Authority Perspective on Drought Assessment in a Changing ClimateSeth Shanahan – Southern Nevada Water Authority
1:55 pmBureau of Land Management Perspective on Drought Assessment in a Changing ClimatePaula Cutillo – Bureau of Land Management
 Bureau of Reclamation: Colorado River Basin Hydrology and Operations OverviewJim Prairie – Bureau of Reclamation
2:15 pmQ&AFacilitator: Julian Reyes – USDA Climate Hubs
2:25 pmWrap up and pathway to the workshopJulian Reyes – USDA Climate Hubs



If you have questions about the technical workshop or the pre-workshop webinar, please contact Britt Parker or Elizabeth Ossowski.